



– Movement launched in November 2021
– Creation and deployment of regional and departmental groups on Telegram in November 2021
– Mamans Louves Association founded on December 31, 2021


– Launch of the media strategy with awareness-raising of all the press in November 2021
– Creation of our social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram in November 2021
– Creation and launch of our website in December 2021
– Implementation of language elements December 2021 / January 2022
– Association membership launched in January 2022


– 1st strong action on November 4, 2021: Gathering Place de la Madeleine in Paris: Request for a public debate to the President by a letter to the Élysée.

– November 20, 2021: French prefects and mayors asked to support our request for a public debate, starting on International Children’s Rights Day.

– December 16, 2021: Rally and request for a meeting in front of the Ministry of Education following the lack of response to our request for a debate on November 4, 2021.

– January 2022: launch of a nationwide digital campaign calling for testimonials (relaying the consequences of sanitary measures on children’s health).

– January 2022 to July 2022: National survey of parents’ opinions on the health measures deployed (to date, the results have unfortunately not been processed due to a lack of technical resources).

– From February 2022: Campaign to disseminate the Report on the impact of the health crisis on the health of children and young people: sent to the government, national elected representatives + rolled out in the départements via our ML network for distribution to schools and town halls.

– February 20, 2022:Creation of Les Enfants au Coeur and launch of the first show.

– March 2022: Availability of the elected representatives’ guide
– At the same time: Production and distribution of the teaser for the report on the impact of the health crisis on the health of children and young people.

– March 09, 2022: Rally and request for a meeting in front of the Ministry of Education: as part of the EN’s consultation with parents’ associations on the revision of protocols.
Official request unanswered.

– March 14, 2022: Interpellation of Jean Michel Blanquer, former Minister of National Education at a public meeting in the 95 region: Minister’s promise broken.

– May 28, 2022: Participation in Synergy Day across France.

– June 2022: OPECST action: official request to commission chairman Cédric Villani to make the hearings public + provision of an e-mail template for citizens wishing to get involved.

– Summer 2022: New awareness campaign for parents: flyers or stickers
– Aug-Sept 2022: Operation #Rentrée 2022 in 125 Encounters
– October 2022: New awareness campaign for establishments
schools: see flyer
– October 2022 to April 2023: Opération Debout la Résistance: New national survey targeting 2 schools to gather parents’ opinions on the health measures deployed.

– Since January 2023:sexuality education.

– Setting up a legal team of volunteer lawyers in January 2022 to handle cases on a case-by-case basis, as and when requested.
– We provide families with a range of letters on the various topics we cover.
– Creation of the Soutiens Colibris system with psychologists from the Collectif Conscience Santé Liberté in March 2022

– Drawing up a report on the impact of the health crisis on the health of children and young people from December 2021 to February 2022.
– In progress: dossier onsexuality education

– Participation in the Conference on Children’s Health organized by Laurence Muller Bronn, Senator: Presentation of the report on February 14, 2022

Request for support from local and national elected officials, with report to be sent in February 2022

– “L’Union pour la Protection et la Santé des Enfants” to solicit and raise awareness among all the presidential candidates in March/April 2022: To raise their awareness and find out their positions.

– Canvassing and raising awareness amongcandidates for the May/June 2022legislative elections

– Solicitations of all deputies and senators in June 2022

– Submission of proposedamendments to members of parliament (adopted by the French National Assembly and Senate as part of Bill 9, temporarily maintaining a health monitoring and safety system for the fight against pests and diseases).
against Covid-19 so that all minors will be exempt from the health pass in July 2022).

– July 25, 2022: Letter to the new Minister of Education requesting a meeting to discuss school health measures.

– October 12, 2022: Meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels with V.Joron and Annika Bruna Senate conference on October 25, 2022 to present the impact of sanitary measures on children’s health.

Collectif Conscience Santé Liberté with Dispositif Soutien Colibris
– Association Le Petit Prince to offer a summer holiday for families
– A one-person counter-propaganda company offering a range of Mamans Louves products in return for a donation to the association.
– Founding member of the Fédération Union pour la Protection et la Santé des Enfants
Collaborative work with SOS Education on Sexuality Education

Since our creation, we have regularly provided information to the press, appeared on various TV programs and taken part in various events, demonstrations and conferences.
We have set up working groups with all health and childcare professionals, including pediatricians, psychologists and speech therapists, to contribute their expertise in the following areas
the various topics covered.
We constantly call on members of parliament to raise their awareness of the various issues we raise.

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