
Our children in this crisis: situation & outlook

Wednesday December 1, 8:00 pm, live videoconference on the theme of childhood.

Hosted by Pierrick and Laëtitia, spokespersons for the Libertad collective, this videoconference brings together a group of people mobilized for childhood in this crisis:

➡ Mamans Louves en Action – #Debatpublicpournosenfants
➡ Enfance & Libertés
➡ Collectif de sante pediatrique – Reinfo
➡ A psychologist

On the program:

✅ presentation of speakers and collectives represented

✅ children’s current situation, impact of measures

✅ actions carried out by the collectives represented, future projects, suggestions, how to help and support them

✅ the legal point of view: legal remedies and how parents can defend themselves

✅ homeschooling: how it works, testimonials

✅ answers to chat questions

Watch it here: December 1,2021Live video

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