
Links to Telegram groups

This card allows you to join local Mamans Louves groups.

Please note:

Outside the official distribution channel, we are not responsible for the distribution of information.

The only communications for which we are responsible and which represent the values or subjects we stand for, in line with our charter and the purpose of the association, are on our official channels.

To reach us with the “Telegram” application nearest you, we recommend you join :
the Canal des Mamans Louves
The Mama Louves Discussion Group
– a Regional Group below :

Choose your region on the map and join your Telegram channel

Auvergne - Rhône - Alpes : 12 Departments
– 03 . 63 . 15 . 42 . 43 . 69 . 01 . 07
– 26 . 38 . 73 . 74
Île-de-France: 8 Departments
– 75 . 77 . 78 . 91 . 92 . 93 . 94 . 95
North-East: 21 Departments
– 62 . 59 . 80 . 60 . 02
– 08 . 51 . 10 . 55 . 52 . 54 . 88 . 67 . 68
– 89 . 58 . 21 . 71 . 70 . 39 . 25
North-West: 20 Departments
– 28 . 45 . 41 . 18 . 37 . 36
– 76 . 27 . 61 . 14 . 50
– 29 . 22 . 56 . 35
– 53 . 72 . 44 . 49 . 85
Nouvelle-Aquitaine: 12 Departments
– 17 . 79 . 86 . 87 . 23 . 16 . 19 .24 .33 .47 40. 64
Occitanie: 13 Departments
– 65 . 32 . 82 . 46 . 09
– 31 . 81 . 12 . 48 . 30
– 34 . 11 . 66
Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur : 6 Departments
– 04 . 05 . 06 . 13 . 83 . 84
Corsica: 2 Departments
Dom-Tom : 5 Departments
– 971 . 972 . 973 . 974 . 976
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