
Les Mamans Louves say STOP to abuse on November 15, 2021

Les Mamans Louves say STOP!

Just when the children thought they were seeing the end of the tunnel, as the obligation to wear masks in elementary schools was lifted in several French departments…just a few days later…hope and joy are shattered…
On Monday November 15, 2021, all children will once again have to wear this mask imposed by adults who project their fears onto them.
Another emotional elevator that’s harmful to our children’s mental health.
This must stop as a matter of urgency.
Les Mamans Louves say STOP to this abuse and demand an URGENT meeting and public debate with President Macron!
We can no longer accept the unacceptable!
It’s up to us adults to protect our children, not the other way around.



Thanks to all the MLs from all the departments of France, Reunion and New Caledonia for taking part in this film.
Thanks to Cedric Guion KS Prod for the production?

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