
Family Instruction IEF

Family education is a right that we defend, and we support all the specialized associations that work every day to re-establish this fundamental right for families.

LOI n° 2021-1109 du 24 août 2021 confortant le respect des principes de la République, loi dite “séparatisme” a été promulguée le 25 août 2021 et le Conseil constitutionnel a validé le régime d’autorisation pour l’instruction en famille :

LOI n° 2021-1109 du 24 août 2021 confortant le respect des principes de la République (1) – Légifrance ( Chapter V, Section 1 (Articles 49 to 52)

Since the start of the 2022 school year, the declaratory system has been abolished and replaced by a derogatory system. In other words, families wishing to choose a different mode of instruction for their children are left to the goodwill of the school inspectorates.

In this way, the State is taking over decisions that rightfully belong to parents, trampling on our parental authority more and more every day. This hostage-taking of parental authority is seen not only in medical decisions, but at many other levels, and home schooling is a perfect example of this, which is not without its worries for families.

We would point out that this repeal of the law was carried out under conditions that are both unacceptable and indicative of the unscrupulous methods of the powers that be. It was argued that this right needed to be reviewed to combat separatism. However, the report that was supposed to prove the alleged causal link between radicalization and IEF was not available before the vote. The MPs were therefore asked to pass a law based on nothing. So it goes beyond the famous “we can discuss everything but the figures”…

As parents, if you want to take your children out of the framework of national education, you no longer have the right to decide. But there are many reasons why you might want to take your children out of school:

  • The quality of teaching, which is being called into question by the teachers’ unions themselves, since here too there is desertification of the profession. And in response to this problem, you’ve no doubt all witnessed the government organizing speeds dating to fill classrooms with unqualified teachers….
  • Spare your children from sanitary measures, which are known to be harmful.
  • Not to be in phase with the ideologies taught, since we are now seeing the introduction of new theories in schools, such as those of gender, or the bludgeoning of the sacrosanct via vaccination courses from the age of 6, as well as the famous debate-oriented debates (otherwise known as “dogmas”).

Especially since we know that Jean-Baptiste Maillard, secretary general of Liberté éducation, pointed out in February 2022 that: ” Over 98% of home-schooled children meet the requirements of the Common Base of Knowledge. What’s more, in the last year studied, only 0.09% of these children were ordered back to school, and none for radicalization or separatism.

“The battle for freedom of family instruction has only just begun” (

A bill was tabled on September 20, 2022 by MPs Marie-France LORHO, Roger CHUDEAU and their colleagues to restore the right to family instruction, and we very much hope that it will be adopted:

To find a wealth of resources and information, but also if you encounter difficulties in your steps or if you need help, specialized associations that defend the interests of IEF, can assist you:

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