
Debout la Résistance! Children need us!

The COVARS, which replaces the Scientific Advisory Board, recently announced in the media that it was studying the return of compulsory face masks.
So we’re wondering whether children will be required to wear masks again at the start of the All Saints’ vacation season.
The 2022/2023 back-to-school health protocol does not exclude the wearing of masks by pupils from the age of 6, a rule applicable as in the general population.

We all know the consequences of these health measures, which the government itself acknowledges. In the Circulaire de rentrée 2022/2023, which we invite you to read, Circulaire de rentrée 2022 | Ministère de l’Education Nationale et de la Jeunesse, it is announced that the health crisis has deteriorated children’s mental health, with developments in anxiety disorders in particular.

The Ministry of Education is also announcing the need for increased monitoring of children’s mental health, as well as the implementation of a caring environment for children’s well-being. An absolute nonsense, since we know that children forced to wear masks suffocate 8 to 10 hours a day, and are assailed with anxiety-inducing messages such as “put your mask back on, you don’t want to be responsible for Grandma and Grandpa’s death”.

What’s more, a recent German study published in May 2022 in the scientific journal “Environnemental Research” and distributed by the scientific journal “Science Direct”, reveals that the level of C02 reinhaled by children exceeds health safety values by a factor of 10. Find out more about this study here: EXPERIMENTAL CO2 MEASUREMENT STUDY IN HEALTHY CHILDREN Wearing MASKS – Mamans Louves

So it’s clear that the time has come for every parent to come out in force and oppose the mandatory masks for their children, as they are dangerously compromising their health. The children will have to endure this for the whole school year if we don’t do something as soon as they return from the compulsory mask. This time, we have the opportunity to anticipate, to avoid aggravating the carnage.

The only answer is NO.

We’re launching phase 1!

LET’S SEEK THE OPINION OF PARENTS, in the event of a return to mask wearing in schools.

Objective: show parents
1/ that we exist and that they are not alone
2/that their voices count and can finally be heard!
3/ show elected representatives that many parents refuse to accept the return of measures harmful to their children, and therefore bring pressure to bear.
4/ to enable mass mobilization in the event of a return to mask wearing (Phase 2).


⏰1st urgent step: form your resistance groups! And determine one or 2 cities where you can set up the action!

Then choose 1 or 2 pilot sites in your department!

For full details
Go to the dedicated telegram channel


Allez go ???


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