

The purpose of these by-laws is to specify the statutes of the MAMANS LOUVES association, whose object is:
The Association’s objective is of general interest, and consists of acting to ensure respect for the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights.
The Association’s mission is to ensure :

  • the protection of children’s right to education, well-being and health.
  • physical and mental integrity, and respect for the educational requirements of the school environment.

that the rights of children as defined by the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the European Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights and all other applicable texts are respected.

to ensure that the fundamental freedom of parents to exercise their authority is respected.
It will be given to all members and to each new member.
It can also be consulted on the association’s website

Title I: Members

Article 1 – Composition
The MAMANS LOUVES association is made up of the following members:
Founding members;
Honorary members;
Associate members;

Article 2 – Membership fees

Honorary members do not pay membership fees (unless they decide otherwise of their own accord).
Membership of the association is free of charge.
The amount of membership fees is set each year by the Board of Directors, and the General Meeting may decide to introduce a membership fee when it sees fit.
All membership fees paid to the association are definitively acquired. No refund of membership fees can be demanded in the event of resignation, exclusion or death of a member during the year.

Article 3 – Admission of new members
The MAMANS LOUVES association may at any time welcome new members who have completed the detailed registration form provided.

Article 4 – Exclusion
In accordance with the procedure set out in article 11 of the MAMANS LOUVES bylaws, the Board of Directors may strike off a member for non-payment of membership dues or for serious misconduct, after the member concerned has been invited by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to provide explanations before the Board and/or in writing. The list of serious grounds will be detailed in the internal regulations. Once the member’s explanations have been heard, the Board of Directors will inform the member of its decision and the reasons for it, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, within two weeks.
List of serious reasons :
– Failure to comply with the articles of association or by-laws ;
– Any behaviour by a member that is prejudicial to the interests of the association;
– Damage to the association’s purpose or reputation ;
– Damage that harms or is likely to harm the existence or operation of the association;
– Safety or ethical breaches ;
– Implementing an action in the name of the association without consulting the board;
– Serious conflicts between members ;
– Excessive criticism;
– Inappropriate behavior;
– Failure to participate in an activity planned by the association, or damage to the association;
– Damage to property belonging to the association;
And any other serious misconduct as determined by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

Article 5 – Resignation, Death
In accordance with article 11 of the MAMANS LOUVES by-laws, membership is lost by:
a) Resignation;
b) Death;

Title II: Operation of the association

Article 6 – The Board of Directors
In accordance with article 7 of the MAMANS LOUVES by-laws, the Board of Directors is managed by a Council of 12 members, elected for 2 years by the General Meeting.
Members are eligible for re-election.
Its operating procedures are as follows:
In the event of vacancies, the Council provisionally replaces its members. They are replaced at the next Annual General Meeting. The powers of the members thus elected end with the expiry of the term of office of the members replaced. The Board of Directors meets at least once every six months, convened by the Chairman or at the request of one-quarter of its members. Decisions are taken by majority vote; in the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote. Any Board member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without apology will be deemed to have resigned.

Article 7 – The Executive Committee
In accordance with article 6 of the MAMANS LOUVES bylaws, the Board of Directors elects from among its members an Executive Committee comprising:
1) A Chairman;
2) A Vice-Chairman;
3) A Secretary,
4) A Treasurer.
Details of the duties and responsibilities of each member of the Executive Committee are set out below.
It is made up of MME Roxane CHAFEI, President, Christelle COMET, Vice-President and Secretary, and Alexis DA SILVA, Treasurer.
Its operating procedures are as follows:
The President:
As the association’s representative, the President is responsible for a number of tasks. Indeed, it :
– Represents the association before its partners and the courts;
– Takes legal action to defend the association’s interests;
– Communicates on behalf of the association with the press, media and members;
– Holds meetings and leads discussions;
– Motivates volunteers in the association’s activities;
– Seeks funding to achieve the association’s objectives;
– Ensures that decisions taken by the Board of Directors or the General Meeting are implemented;
– Ensures that the association runs smoothly: administration, logistics, human resources, team management.
The Chairman’s duties include :
– Publicize the association within 1 month of its declaration to the prefecture by insertion in the official gazette;
– Notify the prefecture within the allotted time of any changes in the life of the association: change of persons in charge of administration, transfer of registered office, new establishments founded… ;
– Declare new member associations to the prefecture within 3 months in the case of a union of associations;
– Draft merger, demerger or partial contribution plans must be submitted at least 2 months before the date of the deliberations;
– Publish proposed demergers, mergers or partial contributions in the official gazette;
– Make available to association members – at least 1 month before the date of deliberations – documents relating to a proposed demerger, merger or partial contribution.
Vice-Chairman: Same as Chairman.
Secretary :
The secretary of an association has several roles:
– Manage the association’s correspondence;
– Manages the membership file;
– Transmits all information required for the smooth running of the association
– Ensures compliance with statutory obligations;
– Manages meetings: Board of Directors, General Meeting;
– Archive and file all documents useful to the association (by-laws, internal regulations, excerpt from the notice of creation published in the official gazette; declaration receipts issued by the prefectoral services, minutes of General Meetings, Board of Directors and Executive Committee, leases, invoices for works or major repairs, etc.).).
All these functions can be carried out by a single person, and others can be delegated to other members of the association (assistant secretaries) to facilitate the handover in the event of the secretary’s resignation or end of term.
He works closely with the Chairman and Treasurer. In practice, its missions consist of :
– Handle all correspondence: respond to all requests and grievances;
– Forward to the appropriate body any mail requiring special concentration;
– List all members (first and last names, contact details, etc.)
– Write information notes for members;
– Declare the list of board members to the prefecture, as well as any changes in the life of the association (transfer of head office, change of manager, etc.);
– Publish changes to the articles of association in the official gazette within the required timeframe;
– Organize and plan meetings: general meetings, board meetings, executive committee meetings, office meetings;
– Inform all members of meetings within a reasonable timeframe (by post, display or e-mail);
– Ensure that the agenda is followed and that the time allotted to each item is respected;
– Draft meeting minutes;
– Keep all association registers up to date.
The Treasurer:
Like the Chairman, the Treasurer’s role is governed by the company’s articles of association, and may be supplemented by internal regulations.
– Define expenditure targets for the program of activities;
– Prepare budget forecasts in line with short-, medium- and long-term objectives;
– Propose resource targets;
– Make management proposals.
As a result, the treasurer is not simply a cashier or accountant. His role goes beyond financial control of the association, as he truly assumes the role of account manager. He or she must therefore have a good knowledge of accounting and finance, a thorough understanding of the association he or she is working for, and a cordial and sincere relationship with the president, and indeed with all the association’s managers.
Designated as the body responsible for the association’s accounts, the treasurer manages the association’s accounts, i.e.:
– Collecting membership fees;
– Tracking expenses and filing supporting documents;
– Filing and archiving documents;
– Securing movements of funds and financial flows: expenses, expense reimbursements, investments, salaries, etc.
– Manage the bank account (monitoring bank expenses) and act as a point of contact with the bank;
– Manage financial relations internally and with third parties;
– Produce and distribute financial information.
– Participate in the preparation of grant applications, in particular the budget for each activity;
– Draw up the annual accounts and financial report
Note that entries can be made manually or using specialized accounting software.
The Annual General Meeting confers on Madame Alexis DA SILVA and Christelle COMET, the same powers defined in the Articles of Association, as the President, Roxane Chafei, to act on behalf of the Association.

Article 8 – Ordinary General Meeting

In accordance with article 12 of the MAMANS LOUVES association bylaws, the Ordinary General Meeting is convened each year by the secretary.
Meetings are convened in accordance with the following procedure:
At least fifteen days before the set date, members of the association are convened by the secretary. The agenda is indicated on the notice of meeting.
Decisions are taken by a majority of votes of members present or represented. All decisions are taken by a show of hands, except for the election of Board members. Decisions taken at General Meetings are binding on all members, including those absent or represented
The Chairman, assisted by members of the Board, chairs the meeting and reports on the Association’s moral situation and activities. The treasurer reports on his management and submits the annual accounts (balance sheet, income statement and notes) to the meeting for approval. The Annual General Meeting sets the amount of annual dues and entrance fees to be paid by the various categories of members as required. Only items on the agenda may be discussed.

Article 9 – Extraordinary General Meeting
In accordance with article 13 of the MAMANS LOUVES association bylaws, if necessary, or at the request of half plus one of the registered members, the Chairman may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, in accordance with the procedures set out in these bylaws and solely for the purpose of amending the bylaws, dissolving the association or dealing with real estate. The convening procedure is the same as for the Ordinary General Meeting.
Resolutions are passed by a majority of members present.

Title III: Miscellaneous provisions

Article 10 – Modification of by-laws
The by-laws of the MAMANS LOUVES association are drawn up by the Board of Directors, in accordance with article 15 of the by-laws.
They may be modified by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Executive Committee.
New by-laws may be consulted by any member of the association within 15 days of the date of modification.

In Saubion, 12/30/2021

Mrs. Roxane CHAFEI President

Mrs Christelle COMET Vice-Chairwoman and Secretary

Mrs Alexis DA SILVA Treasurer

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